Upgrade to Plus and enjoy unique features of modern banking

Enjoy your money in a whole different way and get more out of it

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Earn daily interest on your savings

Save up and earn daily

Hold you money at MoneyBox and maximize it with daily interest. Get $51 yearly bonus earned on a saved $17,000 and get your plan pay for itself
Easy access to your savings 24/7. Add money or withdraw it anytime convenient
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SnowLeopard got you covered

Yearly purchase protection up to $1,500 to get you covered

SnowLeopard covers your purchase with 1 year insurance and a payment up to $1,500
Dropped your new phone and get it damaged? No worries, we will pay for your repairs
Someone stole your phone? Don’t get too upset, we will cover the full cost of your device
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Get a 60-day return window on your purchased item

The item you bought doesn't fit or you simply don’t like it and retailer won't take it back? No worries, we will refund you the money with the extended 60-day return window
Get refunded on the items between $50 - $400
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Can’t make it to the event? We got you covered

Bad luck happens and you can’t make it to the event? SnowLeopard will cover up your ticket expenses up to $1,000
Get an instant refund directly to your SnowLeopard account
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Teach your kids financial literacy with full SnowLeopard Cub access

With SnowLeopard Cub get your kid an account, a card and mobile app. Fully functional banking services for your kids controlled by you
Set up tasks like household chores and reward your kids after completion directly to his/her account via app
Discuss and set different goals with your kids, teach them about saving to achieve their goals
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Get your Kid a truly unique card

Pick any design from different cool themes to make a card to stand out
Let your kid design his/her own card to make it unique
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Pick a plan that fits you the most

Want to track your monthly budget or save up while traveling abroad? Basic account will help you to get started
Enhance your «Citizen of the world» lifestyle with Premium account which gives you clever tools to manage your money
Get full package of perks and services with Platinum account. Moreover, stand out from the crowd with a contactless Metal card