Track your spendings, budget right and spend right

Follow your spending pattern and budget smarter with our analytics and reporting tools in real time

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SnowLeopard will always keep you
updated on your finances

Better financial decisions with smart analytics

Smart automated grouping of your spendings
We evaluate your spending to give you predictions and tips on better financial planning
At the end of each month you will get monthly spending summaries

Smart budgeting

You can set up a monthly budget, and we will calculate your personal daily spending limit, to help you stay on track
You can also customize you daily spending limit in regards to your preferences

Daily alerts and notifications to keep you right on track

Get buzzed when getting closer to your daily spending limit
You will get notification on your daily spendings

How to get started?

Manage your money and keep track of your spendings with SnowLeopard

1. Get the SnowLeopard App

Download SnowLeopard App on your iOS or Android device

2. Open the Budget and Analytics tab

Set up a budget for different payments and categories

3. Manage your money

Follow your spending pattern for better understanding and smart budgeting