Diversify your portfolio by investing in Commodities

Start exchanging gold, silver and other precious metals from just $1. SnowLeopard makes it easy with in-app purchase and exchange

Instant in-app gold and silver purchase

Buy gold and silver from just $1

Invest in precious metals and diversify your portfolio
Instant in-app purchase with SnowLeopard
Get started from just $1
Buy commodities with any supported fiat or cryptocurrency

Stay updated with real-time notifications

Set up price alerts on certain commodities and get instant notification once target is reached
Follow real-time prices and use auto-exchange not to miss a desired trade opportunity

Cashback in commodities

Platinum and Premium users can have their cashback in gold, silver and precious metals
All users can save up some portion of their gold and silver in MoneyBox
Exchange cashback in-app to any preferable currency including crypto

How to trade commodities with SnowLeopard?

Start trading gold, silver, and precious metals with SnowLeopard app today

1. Get the SnowLeopard App

Download SnowLeopard App on your iOS or Android device

2. Tap on Commodities

Go to Dashboard, press on Commodities, get familiar with T&C’s, then accept and get started

3. Start trading

Follow market rates and start trading gold, silver, and precious metals with any supported currencies

This stock trading platform is facilitated by SnowLeopard Trading. Neither SnowLeopard nor SnowLeopard Trading provides investment advice and individual investors should make their own decisions or seek professional independent advice if they are unsure as to the suitability/appropriateness of any investment for their individual circumstances or needs. The value of investments can go up as well as down and you may receive less than your original investment or lose the value of your entire initial investment. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. Currency rate fluctuations can adversely impact the overall returns on your original investment. Learn more by reading our full Risk Disclosure and our Trading FAQ.