Send and receive money effortlessly, worldwide

Whether it’s a money transfer or a payment, SnowLeopard makes it quick and easy without hidden fees in 30+ currencies and in major cryptocurrencies

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Easy payments and transfers with SnowLeopard

Instant and profitable money transfers worldwide

Fast and free fund transfers between SnowLeopard accounts in more than 50+ countries
Send money to local bank accounts free of charge
Wire money internationally with the best exchange rate
Instant and cheap crypto transfers worldwide

SnowLeopard doesn’t charge hidden fees. We made it as transparent as possible. You know exactly what you’re spending and receiving

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Stay on track with your payments

Follow your direct debits, subscriptions and recurring payments via app
Group your costs and see how much money is spent on different scheduled payments
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Share your payments with friends and family

Split your costs within a group, whether it’s a family dinner, trip with friends or a shared gift for a colleague. With SnowLeopard you can split the bill in one place hassle-free
SnowLeopard allows you to create a Group account to share common expenses with friends, family and colleagues
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