Corporate cards for your Business

Issue corporate cards for your business, make payments and withdraw overseas without hidden fees. Manage your team expenses in real-time

Gotta travel abroad? Spend like a local

Your whole team can use SnowLeopard corporate card overseas and get the best exchange rate in more than 150 countries (no hidden fees)
You and your team members can withdraw fiat and crypto money overseas from our partners' ATM's without hidden fees

Follow up and control your team's expenses

Set individual expense budgets for different employees
Set limits and approval rules for payments
Freeze or block card anytime, unfreeze or unblock in seconds
Your business - your rules. Follow up expenses of your employees, control payments and transfers via App

Manage your recurring payments

Follow up your subscriptions from one place via App
Pause, freeze or cancel anytime convenient

Powerful security protocols and anti-fraud procedures

Our state of the art security protocols and anti-fraud procedures are way better than traditional banks at stopping card fraud
Easily block your card in case of loss or theft. You can instantly do it through your app or desktop
Get notified when we detect suspicious activity related to your account